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Minecraft Server Settings

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Minecraft settings and cheats can be activated/deactivated/changed using FTP (Filezilla or winscp), in game chat, or Rcon depending on the setting or cheat.

Enable / Disable Flying

FTP Method

  1. Use software such as filezilla or winscp to access your server files.
    A full guide can be found here --> FTP Access
  2. Open the file server.properties with a program such as Notepad++.
    More details can be found here --> Notepad++
  3. Change allow-flight=false to allow-flight=true or vise versa.
  4. Save the changes and then restart your server for the changes to take effect.

Changing Difficulty

There are 4 difficulty settings, which are peaceful, easy, normal, and hard. The default is easy.

FTP Method

  1. Use software such as filezilla or winscp to access your server files.
    A full guide can be found here --> FTP Access
  2. Open the file server.properties with a program such as Notepad++.
    More details can be found here --> Notepad++
  3. Change difficulty= to difficulty=peaceful, easy, normal, or hard.
    Example: difficulty=normal
  4. Save the changes and then restart your server for the changes to take effect.

In Game Chat

  1. First you must OP yourself. A guide can be found here --> Setting up OP
  2. Open chat in game and then type in /difficulty and then either peaceful, easy, normal, or hard.
    Example: /difficulty normal
  3. Press enter and your difficulty will now be changed.

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