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Sons of The Forest Server Settings

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To change settings for your server, you will need to access the config file via FTP or by using your control panel.


  1. Stop your server from the panel.
  2. Log in to FTP.
  3. Navigate to the directory you wish to upload or edit a file.
    You want to edit the dedicatedserver.cfg file.
  4. Open up the file using a text editor like Notepad or Notepad++.
    If you are not familiar with configuration files, any line starting with two slashes is ignored by the program.
    // This is a comment and will not be read by a file

Control panel

  1. Click the Dedicatedserver.cfg button under the Advanced Config section of your control panel.
  2. Edit the your desired settings.

Server Settings

Command Description
"IpAddress": """ Listening interface for the game server, usually if listening on all interfaces.
"GamePort": 8766 UDP port used for gameplay netcode (Bolt).
"QueryPort": 27016" UDP port used by Steam to list the server and enable the discovery services.
"BlobSyncPort": 9700 BlobSyncPort UDP port used by the BlobSync system to initialize game systems and exchange data.
"ServerName": "Sons Of The Forest Server (dedicated)" Name of the server visible in the server list, and in the Steam contacts.
"MaxPlayers": 8
"Password": ""
"LanOnly": false
"SaveSlot": 1
"SaveMode": "Continue"
"GameMode": "Normal"
"SaveInterval": 600
"IdleDayCycleSpeed": 0.0
"IdleTargetFramerate": 5
"ActiveTargetFramerate": 60
"LogFilesEnabled": false
"TimestampLogFilenames": true
"TimestampLogEntries": true
"GameSettings": {}
"CustomGameModeSettings": {}

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