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How to reset player data

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Deleting Player Data

Player data can be found and deleted by finding the playeruid, which then needs to be converted.

  1. First, be sure that the player in question is currently online and in game.
  2. In chat, make sure you are logged in as admin and then type /showplayers.
  3. Take note of the playeruid that you are currently looking for.
  4. This will then need to be converted from Decimal to Hexadecimal using an online converter.
  5. Take note of the converted value and then log in to your server using FTP.
  6. Navigate to \Pal\Saved\SaveGames\0 and open your save folder, which will be a long string of numbers and letters.
  7. Open the players folder and then find the correct player data by comparing the converted value you gathered earlier.

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