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7D2D Admin config

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Revision as of 09:50, 22 February 2019 by ColeP (talk | contribs)
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Adding 7D2D Admins

Before starting please look at the following area to know how to connect to your FTP client

Connecting to your FTP Client

  1. Log into your FTP client and head into the "Saves/" directory
  2. In there look for the serveradmin.xml file
  3. Open it in notepad++
  4. You should see something similar to what is listed below
  5. Grab your steam 64bit UID. Which can be found by using this link: SteamIDFinder
  6. Replace the SteamID number listed below with yours.
    NOTE: If you have a <! - - and a - - > line around the item you will want to remove those
  7. Once that is set in place, save the file and start/restart your server using the buttons at the top of the panel

In the example below, I have removed the markers on the <admin steamID... line and placed a SteamID in the field. You will want to repeat this while keeping the SteamID within the quotes.


<admin steamID="76561198021925107" permission_level="0" /> 

<permission cmd="dm" permission_level="0" />  
<permission cmd="kick" permission_level="1" />  
<permission cmd="say" permission_level="1000" />  
<permission cmd="chunkcache" permission_level="1000"/>
<permission cmd="debugweather" permission_level="1000"/>
<permission cmd="getgamepref" permission_level="1000"/>
<permission cmd="getgamestat" permission_level="1000"/>
<permission cmd="gettime" permission_level="1000"/>
<permission cmd="help" permission_level="1000"/>
<permission cmd="listplayerids" permission_level="1000"/>
<permission cmd="listthreads" permission_level="1000"/>
<permission cmd="memcl" permission_level="1000"/>
<permission cmd="settempunit" permission_level="1000"/>


If there are any items in the whitelist, the whitelist only mode is enabled

Nobody can join that ISN'T in the whitelist or admins once whitelist only mode is enabled

 <whitelisted steamID="" />  
   <blacklisted steamID="" unbandate="" /> 

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