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How to Backup or Upload Save Data

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Upload Save Data

  1. Stop your server and login using FTP, which will allow you to upload your save data to \Pal\Saved\SaveGames\0
  2. If your server has already been started for the first time, a folder with a long string of letters and numbers will be seen.
  3. Open this folder and copy in your save files.
    Palworld Save Files.png
  4. Start your server and have players join the world.

Please Note: If everyone joins with no issues, then no further steps are required.
Players reporting that they need to reset their characters, will require an unofficial fix to get their characters back.

  1. Make sure that these players create new characters, join the server once, and then log off.
  2. When they create their new characters, be sure they are using the exact name as their old one.
  3. After all affected players have completed this, shut down the server.
  4. Using FTP, download the save data to your computer from your server.
  5. Download Palworld-Host-Save-Fix.exe, so we can transfer the old player data to the new one.
  6. Open the downloaded tool, select browse, and open level.save.
  7. After the save is loaded, you will be prompted to select your old charcter and the new one from the window drop downs.
  8. Select migrate and then accept the warning.
  9. Please complete steps 7-8 for each player that had to create a new character.
  10. Finally, upload the save data back to your server using FTP and then start your server.

Backup Save Data

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