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    • forgot to update this but ISSUE RESOLVED lol
    • if you leave auto update enabled it will throw it out of whack and itll show 64 slots again. if it ever reverts to 64 after an admin restart just retrace the steps above, there are a few different configurations but the listed one was the most consistent of the ones i found.
    • during the process of trying to solve a seperate issue i believe i found a solve for the issue of servers showing 64 slots instead of 20 (or whatever the renters slot size actually is) when viewing the in game server roster// -stop server , -refresh webpage, -disable auto updates, -enable update+validate function, -all 1 time toggles remain off! , -and start server - do Not use either restart button Use the start button. worked 6 times in a row so no need for hosters to change their server location and wipe server to solve this issue anymore!!! happy 4th of july dames n degens,  hope this helps some of you out of a jam)
    • good afternoon , the hotfix/ patch that came out today does not seem to be installing on the server correctly, i have tried multiple times and ways to no success/ avail (however i did solve the issue of server showing 64 slots instead of 20 in the in game server roster// stop server , refresh webpage, disable auto updates, enable update+validate, all 1 time toggles remain off! , and start server - do Not use either restart button Use the start button. worked 6 times in a row ❤️ so no need for hosters to change their server location and wipe server to solve this issue anymore!!! happy 4th of july dames n degens, moving on... ) is there something that needs to be done on the host service end for this to install, or am i missing a step in updating? this is the only update or patch thus far that has not allowed us to update to the new version at all so we are a bit stumped, / server shows as running however its running on outdated version (0.9.536) and we need to bump up to (0.9.537) , unsure if we are doing something wrong or missing something, if anyone has any info we really appreciate it , especially since its a holiday for alot of us   [Edit=typos, i said autoupdate + validate n its disable auto and enable update+validate]
    • We are working to get this fixed up with the data center.
    • Ticket # 742061 SUBJECT: Server status \"Unknown\" Tried validating but it just hangs at "Calculating time" window.
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