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V Rising Admin Commands

From Survival Servers
Revision as of 05:39, 20 May 2022 by Luke (talk | contribs)
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Admins can be added by using the control panel or manually by using FTP.

Control Panel

Find your Steam 64bit UID and then add it to the Admin UID box on the control panel:

Add a Valheim Admin


Using FTP, navigate to \VRisingServer_Data\StreamingAssets\Settings\adminlist.txt
After opening the .txt file, add the Steam 64bit UID. (One UID per line)

Commands can be executed by V Rising admins via the in game command console by pressing tilda (~) key while logged in to your game server Below is a list of current commands that can be run in game. To run these you will need to hit Esc in game and Enable Console for the tilda button to work.

Command List

Command Description
adminauth Authenticates you as admin in game
kick [name/ip/userID] Kicks the user matching criteria
banuser[name/ip/userID] Bans the user matching criteria
unban[name/ip/userID] Unban the user matching criteria
banned Shows a complete listing of banned users
bancharacter Bans a specific character

As far as server admin commands go, that's it.

If you ban users through the in-game console the server will automatically modify the banlist.txt located under VRisingServer_Data/StreamingAssets/Settings/ but you can also modify this manually (one steamId per line).

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