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Atlas Admin Commands

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Running Server Commands

To log in as admin do the following steps:

Press the Tab or ` (tilda) key on your keyboard and type
enablecheats Password
Switch out <Password> with your admin password

For some commands, you will need a user's Steam64ID. You can obtain that by going to, adding their Steam account name, and then copying the data from the Steam64 value.

enablecheats <password>

List of Admin Commands

The below table is a work in progress and will be updated with more information!

Breakdown of the parameters for cheat gfi: cheat gfi ItemName Amount Quality BluePrint

Type Spawn Command
Gold Coin cheat gfi coin 1 0 0
Mythos cheat gfi marrow 1 0 0
Coal Variants
Coal (Base) cheat gfi coal_base 1 0 0
Anthracite (Coal) cheat gfi anthracite 1 0 0
Graphite (Coal) cheat gfi graphite 1 0 0
Lignite (Coal) cheat gfi lignite 1 0 0
Nitre (Coal) cheat gfi nitre 1 0 0
Sulfur (Coal) cheat gfi coal_sulfur 1 0 0
Coral (Coal) cheat gfi coral 1 0 0
Brain Coral (Coal) cheat gfi brain 1 0 0
Fire Coral (Coal) cheat gfi coral_fire 1 0 0
Crystal Variants
Crystal (Base) cheat gfi crystal_base 1 0 0
Calcite (Crystal) cheat gfi calcite 1 0 0
Herkimer (Crystal) cheat gfi herkimer 1 0 0
Pearl (Crystal) cheat gfi crystal_pearl 1 0 0
Quartz (Crystal) cheat gfi quartz 1 0 0
Tellurite (Crystal) cheat gfi tellurite 1 0 0
Amethyst (Crystal) cheat gfi amethyst 1 0 0
Fiber Variants
Fibers (Base) cheat gfi fibers_base 1 0 0
Bamboo (Fibers) cheat gfi bamboo 1 0 0
Cotton (Fibers) cheat gfi cotton 1 0 0
Hemp (Fibers) cheat gfi hemp 1 0 0
Jute (Fibers) cheat gfi jute 1 0 0
Seaweed (Fibers) cheat gfi seaweed 1 0 0
Silk (Fibers) cheat gfi fibers_silk 1 0 0
Straw (Fibers) cheat gfi straw 1 0 0
Salve (Fibers) cheat gfi salve 1 0 0
Flint Variants
Flint (Base) cheat gfi flint_base 1 0 0
Agate (Flint) cheat gfi agate 1 0 0
Basalt (Flint) cheat gfi basalt 1 0 0
Chalcedony (Flint) cheat gfi chalcedony 1 0 0
Chert (Flint) cheat gfi chert 1 0 0
Obsidian (Flint) cheat gfi flint_obsidian 1 0 0
Radiolarite (Flint) cheat gfi radiolarite 1 0 0

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