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Hurtworld Admin Commands

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Running Server Commands

Press F1 to open the console.

Adding Admins

1. Using FTP, open autoexe.cfg.
2. Using https://steamid.io/, collect the required Steam 64 bit ID.
3. Using "addadmin <steam64id>", add the single or multiple Steam 64 bit IDs to the autoexe.cfg.

"Single Admin"
addadmin 123456789

"Multiple Admins"

addadmin 123456789
addadmin 466774535

Admin Commands

Command Description
kill USE WITH CAUTION. Commit suicide.
itemlist List all items and their codes.
playerlootmode <value> Sets the player loot mode for the server.
Drop nothing ever (playerlootmode 0)
Drop backpack only (playerlootmode 1)
Drop backpack, and use infamy (playerlootmode 2)
Drop everything (playerlootmode 3)
Destroy everything (playerlootmode 4)
<speed> <value>
Adjust the spawn cooldown. The <speed> parameter is how quickly spawn times fall back down to 10 seconds. The <value> is how much the spawn time increases upon death.
creativemode <value> Turn creative mode on and off (free build). Value as 0 for off, 1 for on.

Save Management

Command Description
autosaveenabled <value> Sets whether to autosave the server.
autobackupinterval <seconds> Sets how often the server should backup its autosave.

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