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Barotrauma Admin Commands

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Admins can be added by using FTP and navigating to Data\clientpermissions.xml.

Adding Admins

Here is an example of permissions & commands. The Steam ID can be found here. --> Steam ID

    name="Player Name"
    permissions="ServerLog, ConsoleCommands">
      name="heal" />
      name="spawn" />

Admin Commands

Commands are used by pressing F3 to open the console.

Command Description
ban [character name] Bans the selected character from the server.
banendpoint [IP Address/SteamID] (slot number 1-5) Bans the selected IP Address/SteamID from the server.
banid [clientID] Bans the selected clientID from the server.
clientlist Outputs the character name, clientID and ping of all players in the server to the console.
givecommandperm [clientID/SteamID/character name/IP Address] (steam id) Gives the selected player the permission to use the console commands typed in the next entry.
giveperm [clientID/SteamID/character name/IP Address] (steam id) Gives the selected player the permission typed in the next entry.
giverank [clientID/SteamID/character name/IP Address] Gives the selected player the rank typed in the next entry.
kick [character name] Kicks the selected character from the server.
kickid [clientID] Kicks the selected clientID from the server.

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