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Dead Matter Server Admin Commands Usage

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To gain access to the in game admin system. Please follow the below steps in order to whitelist yourself or others.

In order to enable admins, add the following section in your deadmatter/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/Game.ini file from FTP under the existing [/Script/DeadMatter.DMGameSession] section (or just press the Game.ini button under Advanced Config section)


Set your Steam 64bit UID to one of the areas. (Due note that there is an Admin and a SuperAdmin area. Only use one or the other for each id)

Commands can be executed by Dead Matter admins via the in game chat console (press y in game to open the chat)

Below is a list of current commands that can be run in game. In order to execute the commands make sure to have an / at the start.

Admin Commands
Command Permission Description
/weather night Null Changes the time in game
/god <True/False> This command is simple enough, and it's very useful in unison with noclip when investigating accusations such as cheating, to avoid dying as a result of radiation, or drowning, or from the suspected cheater killing you. On vanilla it's recommended to use this command with noclip to grant you the ability to hide underground to avoid being seen. While different entities such as wildlife, and other players, may still engage and attack you, you will be invulnerable and unable to die, be cautious to use only when absolutely necessary.
/noclip Null This command I'm sure most would know, but for those that don't, noclip makes you no longer affected by barriers, such as walls, or gravity for that matter. Very useful with the previously mentioned God Mode that prevents you from taking any damage, makes carrying out admin duties easier especially given that you can hide underground to spectate suspected cheaters.
/teleport "name or steamid" Null This command will teleport you to a specified player, it will teleport you to their sleeper if they happen to be offline.
/teleport2me "name or steamid" Null This command will teleport a player to you, it will teleport their sleeper to you if they happen to be offline.
/kick "name or steamid" "reason-optional" Null This command will kick the specified player immediately, a very inconveniencing punishment for spammers/rule breakers without banning them.
/kickall "" "reason-optional" Null This command will kick every connected player all at once. It does not support a primary parameter for the kick such as a name or SteamID, so if you use an open and end quote for the primary parameter, you can then use a secondary parameter to give a reason, please read the command for an example.
/ban "name" "reason-optional" Null This command will have the same immediate effect of the kick command but it will also prevent that player from returning.
/banid "steamid" "reason-optional" Null This command will have the same effect as ban but deals with the SteamID instead of the player name.
/unban "name or steamid" Null This command will unban a user from the server.
/banlistex Null This command will show a list of banned players from the server, including their SteamID, their name, and the reason for the ban.
/RemoveZombies Null Removes zombies
/adminban [TargetPlayer] <reason> Null bans player the admin targets
/private <string target> <string message> Null sets your chat to private.
/WhatMesh Null Null
/pm <string target> <string message> Null sends a private message to a specific person.
/Vroom [RPM Multiplier Null change your RPM's
/VisualizeNavmesh Null Null
/UpdateSkydome Null Null
/unstuck Null Helps you get out of a heard place that you would otherwise never be able to get out of.
/Trace Null Null
/ToggleGlobalSpawning Null Null
/ToggleDamageReport Null Shows damage report
/Time [Minutes] Null Null
/test Null Null
/TDR Null Null
/sz Null Null
/suicide Null Kills your player
/Stuck Null Null
/SpawnZombie Null Spawns a zombie in front of your player
/SpawnVehicle Null Spawns a vehicle in front of your player
/SpawnItem [ItemID] <Quantity> Null Spawns an item to your player based on the item ID
/SpawnAnimal Null Spawns an animal in front of your player
/Slay [TargetPlayer] Null Kills a player that you select
/SetWeather [Preset] or [Temperature][WindSpeed][WindDirection] Rain/Sun/Cloudy Changes the weather of the server.
/SetUnconsious Null Sets a player to being knocked out or unconscious
/SetTime [Minutes] Null Changes the time
/SetSpeed [Speed] Null Sets your speed
/SetPos [X][Y][Z] Null Sets position
/SetGravity [Scale] Null Sets the gravity of the server
/ServerStats Null Shows the stats of the server
/ServerInfo Null Shows the server information
/seeall Null Shows all data in the server
/Scoreboard Null Shows the top player stats
/saveme Null saves player
/roll [number maximum] Null Rolls a random number between 1 and the max number you set
/ResetWeather Null Sets the weather back to the default setting provided by the server
/ResetTime Null Resets the time back to the default setting provided by the server
/reply [string message] Null replies with a message
/GiveAmmo Null Gives ammo for the gun in hand


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