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How to Set a Custom Domain to Connect to a Valheim Server

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If you want an easier method of joining your Valheim server or Xbox server without typing in that pesky ip:port each time (and remembering which port was which) you can set a custom domain or subdomain for your Valheim server to connect.

Similar to Minecraft, this method binds a port to a subdomain and allows your players to easily use the Direct Connect within the game to connect. Example:

Enter in Subdomain from Join IP Button in Valheim.png

The Method

This guide assumes you own a domain and will be utilizing Cloudflare for your DNS settings.

  1. Go to Cloudflare and sign up for an account, you will use your domain and fully set it up
  2. Go to the DNS link at the top of your Cloudflare domain page
    Cloudflare DNS Settings.png
  3. The above picture is a completed setup for (our test subdomain)
  4. Do not copy the above settings, follow the steps below to configure your domain!

Using a Subdomain (

  1. Click the Add record button
  2. Set the following:
    • Type - A
    • Name -
    • To get your IPv4 Address, you will want to go to your Survival Servers game server panel and copy the IP as seen here:
    Finding IP at Survival Servers Control Panel.png
    • IPv4 address: (in this case, your case will be different so change this accordingly)
    • Uncheck the Proxy status
    Uncheck Cloudflare Proxy Status.png
  3. Click Save, you've now added the subdomain record pointing to your game server's IP address.
  4. Click Add record again, now we will add the Port configuration
  5. Set the following
    • Type: SRV
    • Name: play (for example we will use so we enter play here)
    • Service: _valheim
    • Protocol: TCP
    • TTL: Auto
    • Priority: 0
    • Weight: 0
    • Port: 2456 (copy Game Port from your game server panel, see image below to get Game Port)
    Copy Game Port from Game Server Panel.png
    • Target: (change play to your subdomain name, change to your domain name)
  6. Click Save, you have now set a subdomain to your Valheim server!

Using a Domain (

  1. IMPORTANT: Check if there is an existing A record (the Type column) for (assuming is the custom domain you wish to use) and delete it
  2. Click the Add record button
  3. Set the following:
    • Type - A
    • Name -
    • To get your IPv4 Address, you will want to go to your Survival Servers game server panel and copy the IP as seen here:
    Finding IP at Survival Servers Control Panel.png
    • IPv4 address: (in this case, your case will be different so change this accordingly)
    • Uncheck the Proxy status
    Uncheck Cloudflare Proxy Status.png
  4. Click Save, you've now added the subdomain record pointing to your game server's IP address.
  5. Click Add record again, now we will add the Port configuration
  6. Set the following
    • Type: SRV
    • Name: (for example we will use so we enter here)
    • Service: _valheim
    • Protocol: TCP
    • TTL: Auto
    • Priority: 0
    • Weight: 0
    • Port: 2456 (copy Game Port from your game server panel, see image below to get Game Port)
    Copy Game Port from Game Server Panel.png
    • Target: (change to your domain name)
  7. Click Save, you have now set a domain to your Valheim server!

Joining a Valheim Server With a Custom Domain (or Subdomain)

Follow these steps to join your newly created domain (or subdomain) to your Valheim server.

  1. Start the game and click the Start Game button
  2. Select a character from the character selection screen and click Start
  3. Click on the Join Game tab at the top
  4. Click the Join IP button and type in your domain (or subdomain)
    Enter in Subdomain from Join IP Button in Valheim.png

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