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Support Ticket

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Support Ticket Landing Page

If you're having any issues with your game server, or just have general inquiries, you can always send us a support ticket. Tickets are answered in the order they are received, but we do our best to get back to you as quickly as possible.

  • You can access our support ticket page at (Photo below of landing page.)
  • Reply to tickets on this website. You can respond via email but we get your reply much faster if you log in here to reply.
  • Please be very specific describing your question or problem.
  • Please provide your game server ID or email used when ordering.
  • 'Avoid bumping' support ticket responses, this will delay response time. We answer tickets from oldest customer reply.

Wiki Support Ticket 1.png
This is an image of what the landing page should look like for you. Upon entering the site, as shown above, you will have two options:

  1. Create a Ticket
    • Used to create a ticket for a new issue. Please only create a new ticket if you do not already have one open for the same issue
  2. Check Ticket Status
    • This can be used to check the status of an existing ticket, read replies or create a new reply to an existing ticket. Will require login.

Create a New Ticket

In order for us to best assist you, we do ask that you fill out some basic information. This will assist us in narrowing down exactly what and where we need to look to resolve a potential issue while troubleshooting your server. The more detailed you can be, the better.

  1. Category (What type of ticket you are submitting.)
  2. Contact Information (How we are going to be able to reply to your ticket.)
  3. Ticket Details (The subject/message of your ticket. What can we help you with?)
  4. Game Server ID (The ID of your game server so that we can easily access your server.)
  5. Game Server User (Your username.)

Ticket Category

  1. General Support
    • The General Support field should be chosen if you are experiencing issues with your server, have general inquiries or questions about anything server related, are having issues with the control panel etc.
  2. Paid Mod Work Support
    • The Paid Mod Work Support field should be chosen if you are wishing to talk to one of our specialists about installing mods on your server for you. Typically used with our ARMA servers.
  3. Sales
    • TheSales field should be chosen when you have a specific question relating to our sales department. I.e; Looking to purchase a server, server is pending or didn't receive your order.

Contact Information

Your contact information will be entered above. Very self-explanatory

  1. Email Address
    • Your email address will have to be entered and typically used as a point of contact for replies. It is always best to use the same email that is associated with your account
  2. Full Name
    • Your full name will go in this field.

Ticket Details


  1. Subject
    • Enter the subject or the main reason for submitting a ticket in this field. This is extremely helpful for us when trouble shooting certain issues, especially anything widespread so that we can assist a large number of customers at once. Help us, help you.
  2. Message
    • This is the meat of your ticket. Why are you submitting a ticket and what can we assist you with? The more information that you provide us in this section, the better. We want to help you as quickly as we can and the more information that you provide us, the better we will be able to do our jobs.

Game Server ID


  • It's extremely helpful to us if you provide your game server ID. This is located in the control panel, above the array in bold letters, and also seen in the last digits of your game servers control panel URL.
  • If you have issues finding your servers game server ID, please refer to the picture of the control panel below, highlighted by a red box.


Game User ID

Your game user ID is the username that you created on Survival Server to log in to your control panel.
Commonly, people mistake this for their Steam name or the in-game name. Please provide us with the correct username in the case that your game server ID is wrong.

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