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How to Create a Day of Dragons Server Guide

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Creating a Day of Dragons game server is an easy process that can be done from either a dedicated server or your home computer.

Option #1: Renting a Day of Dragons server (see example control panel below!)


Day of dragons game server.png

Option #2: Creating a Day of Dragons Server From Your Home Computer or Dedicated Server

Server Requirements

Windows 7, 8, 8.1, Server 2008, Server 2012 & 64-Bit

Quad Core processor (requires up to 2 full cores)

Up to 16GB memory (currently uses around 6GB memory minimum and up to 15GB of memory for a full server)

8GB disk space (install folder)

Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015

Step 1: Fetching Game Server files from SteamCMD

The best method to get dedicated server game files is via SteamCMD.

  1. Create a folder where you wish to store your Day of Dragons game server hosting files in
  2. Inside of the folder, create a folder called SteamCMD and place the newly downloading SteamCMD.exe file within it
  3. Create a batch file named SteamCMD.bat within the SteamCMD folder
  4. Place the following code in this batch file:
@echo off
start "" steamcmd.exe +login username password +force_install_dir "C:\dayofdragons" +app_update 1088320 validate +quit
  1. Change the "Username" and "Password" with your steam login info
  2. Change the Path of the C:\ drive to the location of your Day of Dragons server folder you created earlier
  3. Right-click SteamCMD.bat and Run as Administrator
  4. Your game server files should start downloading now

(alternate method): Locating Game Server Files on Hard Drive

You can host Day of Dragons directly from the game itself. If you want to change any settings, locate your common folder:

  1. Right-click Day of Dragons from Steam, select Properties
  2. Click Local Files tab
  3. Click Browse Local Files button

Step 2: Setting up a Day of Dragons Dedicated Server

  1. Create a batch file named Day of DragonsServer.bat or Launch.bat in your newly created Day of Dragons server folder from step 1
  2. Place the following code in this batch file:
start "" /NORMAL "C:\dayofdragons\DragonsServer.exe" -SteamServerName=" Dev Test" -log
  1. Once this is completed you should have a list of server files along with the .bat file you created in the server folder.
This .bat file will let you launch the server

Step 3: Port Forwarding

Add an incoming rule to your Windows Firewall to allow UDP port 27015 as well as 27016, and 7777 (or whichever port you decide to use).

You may additionally need to add a forwarding rule to your network router. You can use to read how to do this.

Configuring your Day of Dragons Game Server!

Now comes the fun part, setting up your Day of Dragons game server to your liking.

To modify game server settings you can open the Dragons/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/Game.ini

You can modify settings in here (in addition to the launch line) - these settings overwrite your launch line settings:



;This config variable allows users to set server max players. Values are currently hardcoded set to 2 min and 250 max. If users do not define the max player count in Game.ini, the server defaults to 100. Please note, we have not yet stress tested our servers for max capacity!
;range is 2-250

;This array config variable allows users to define who are admins. This must be set before the server is started. Add additional entries below the first.

;This blacklist array config variable allows users to ban players by their Steam ID. Replace Steam64ID with the actual Steam ID of the banned player.

;Change this value to True if the server uses a whitelist

;This whitelist array config variable allows users to prevent any player from joining their server unless their Steam ID is on this whitelist. Replace Steam64ID with the actual Steam ID of the allowed player. bServerUseJoinList=true must be set to enable the whitelist.

Make sure you change the data in the config towards the bottom or else you may run into issues. Once you have these set you should be on your way to joining your server.

Locating and Joining your server

These methods currently do not work - the only join method is via in-game server list until bugs are fixed

  1. First make sure your server is running by running the DayOfDragonsServer.bat file as admin (If the CMD window is already up for it then you are fine)
  2. Head into steam and click on the view tab at the top left
  3. From there select servers and a new panel will show up
  4. Hit the Lan tab at the top and the filter button at the bottom
  5. Set the filter to Day of Dragons
  6. If your server shows up there then you know it is running and ready to roll



How to Join Your Server ( Customers)

These methods currently do not work - the only join method is via in-game server list until bugs are fixed

Method 1. Finding your server hosted by

STEP 1: Update your server to the newest Day of Dragons version using the update/validate option on the panel, then click the green update button at the bottom. * If you are not a Survival Servers customer ask your game server host about this.


  1. Once you are sure the server is updated and shows started on the panel. Head into the game
  2. In the game click Join and then look for your server in the Unofficial Server listings (Note if you have a password set on your server. Make sure to check the "Show Password Protected" box)
  3. You can also use the Name Filter at the top of the list to find your server faster.


Location of World Save Data

The location of the saved folder will very depending how you are hosting it. If you are hosting with then your save data location will look like the following.

Dragons/Saved (with the XXXX being a set of numbers)

If you are hosting a Day of Dragons server locally then your directory will probably look similar only it will not have the numbers on the end.


If you are with another hosting company then you will want to contact them for information on where the save data is located.

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