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How to Join a Valheim Server

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How to Join a Valheim Server

The official method to join a Valheim server is to locate your game server on the official server list within the game.

Simply type in your search query and wait for the server list to populate.

Valheim server browser.png

As this method is currently having issues, the recommended join method is one of the alternative methods below.

Renting a Valheim server (see example control panel below!)

Control panel.gif

Valheim game server.png

Alternative Method: Joining your Valheim Server Using Direct IP:Port

You can join your game server using the Direct Connect method as follows.

First open up the game server list and click the Join IP button

Valheim join ip.png

You can find your Game Port from the control panel by clicking the info box next to your IP:Query Port

Valheim game port.png

Proceed to enter in your IP:Port here. Please note this is the Game Port, not the Query Port.

Valheim join ip filled in.png

Enter your password and voilà!

Alternative Method: Joining your Valheim Server from Steam Favorites

You can also join via finding your server in the Steam server list by adding your server to Favorites and connecting.

First open up the server list from within Steam

Steam servers.png

Next, click the Favorites tab at the top.

Then, click Add a Server.

Get your IP:Port from the control panel using the Query Port for your port.

Valheim query port.png

Add to favorites

Valheim add to favorites.png

After you have added the server, click Refresh on that server list. This step is important.

Steam favorites refresh.png

Right click your server and Connect to Server.

Steam favorites connect.png

Enter the password and voilà!

Steam favorites password.png

Joining while using Crossplay (Xbox)

Crossplay must be enabled in the "Advanced Launch Params" tool from within your control panel.
Valheim Params.png

A join code will then generate near the top of your control panel.
Valheim Join Code.png

Copy the code by clicking on it and then share it with your friends!
They will enter the code when trying to join your server.

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